Current language
Our final newsletter
(June 2021)
is available for download
See also:
- news letter 2019 November
- news letter 2019 Augustus
- news letter 2018
TCF on other websites
- Access to Asian Archives
- ANP news item on the launching of DASA website
- Center for Early Modern History
- Knowledge Institution Digital Culture
- Dutch historians website
- article about the Dutch Archives
- Historical Society Noordoost-friesland
- International Institute for Asian Studies
- Dutch Maritime Portal
- VOC website
- History News Magazine
- ANRI Youtube
- Trouw Newspaper
- Computable
April 2014: TCF is awarded RfB financial certification
After an in-depth accountancy assessment the Dutch 'Raad voor de Financiële Betrouwbaarheid'
has awarded The Corts Foundation with a certification for financial reliability.
For more information on this Dutch financial institution, see (in Dutch)
Already the Corts Foundation was awarded the certification of ANBI.
This Dutch certification is issued by the Dutch tax office, meaning that sponsors can tax-free donate to the Foundation.
For more information about ANBI, see (in Dutch)
March 2014: Spring board meeting
The boards of both the Christiaan Cornelis Corts Foundation and the Philippus Corts Foundation convened at the spring meeting in Amsterdam on March 31st 2014. The boards decided about the annual and financial reports of 2013. These will be published on this website as soon as possible.
March 2014: Visit of delegation TCF Board to Jakarta
TCF Board members secretary general Joan Snellen van Vollenhoven and treasurer Jos de Bruijn, together with TCF ICT advisor Marco Roling visited ANRI from March 1st until 10th 2014. During this visit several meetings were held. The Program Board and the Advisory Board both convened and discussed progress of the Dasa Project, including the Project Plan 2014- 2015 and the preparations of drafting a new Memorandum of Understanding.
January 2014: Board meeting Senshi Sōsho project
Members of the Supervisory Board of the Senshi Sōsho project II met with a delegation of the TCF Board at the Leiden University Office Tokyo.
This office is located near the Ginza. In the display of one of the surrounding shops a horse was shown.
This horse represents the just started Chinese New Year and symbolizes the successful progress of our Senshi Sosho project.
We expect a hard copy release with an E-book- version to be published in the end of this year.