GlossariumCoverReading and interpreting texts from the 17th and 18th century can be challenging because of the use of words and spelling that differs from modern Dutch. A glossary can help scholars to interpret specific words and understand their language origine. The Dutch VOC records at the National Archives of Indonesia (ANRI) contain countless numbers of words that originates from Dutch but also from south east asian regions and other areas.

Mona Lohanda (senior archivist at ANRI) made a first selection of terms from the VOC archives, especially from the marginalia of the Daily Journals. These terms have been described and translated in Dutch, Indonesian and English. The etymology of these terms (the origin of them from a language point of view) has been researched by Dr. Tom Hoogervorst of KITLV Leiden and these are added to the glossary. This makes the glossary truly unique.

This glossary has been realized in the DASA project that TCF and ANRI has conducted together over the last years. all results can be found on the website of sejarah-nusantara.anri.go.id and available for download, but also on this page (see below).

The following persons have greatly contributed to realize this glossary:

  • Dr. Mona Lohanda, senior archivaris ANRI
  • Dr. Tom Hoogervorst, Aziatisch taalkundige KITLV Leiden
  • Dhr. Marco Roling, informatie ontwerper TCF
  • Mevr. Nurhayu Santoso, indonesische vertaalster

Download here >> Glossarium VOC Indonesie V20180206




The Corts Foundation

was a Dutch non profit organization that used the legacy of Kees Corts to perform history and archive projects concerning the former Dutch Indies, especially the period of the Dutch East India company, and end of the colonial period during World War II.





Jakarta, Indonesia
Bangkok, Thailand


also the foundation::
Christiaan G. van Anrooij Fonds









Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia





National Institute for Military History 






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