The Corts Foundation publishes relevant Japanese war sources (the Senshi Sōsho volumes 3 : "The invasion of the Dutch East Indies" (2015), and vol. 26: “The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal” (2018), while parts of Senshi Sōsho vol. 34 “Army Air Drive to the Southern Pacific Area” and Senshi Sōsho vol. 5 “Operations in Burma” are due at the end of 2020). These downloads are available by Open Access and as download on this website. As these volumes reflect the Japanese vision of the second world war, it is proper to share on this webste also the official view of the Dutch government (in the Dutch language) as a reference to these texts.

Therefor The Corts Foundation made three volumes which are dedicated to the war in the former Dutch East Indies: 11a (1984), 11b (1985) and 11c (1986), five books, available and searchable on our website. They are part of the ‘Magnus Opus’ of prof. dr. L. De Jong, who was commissioned by the Dutch government (from 1955 till 1991) to research and write about the history of “The Kingdom of the Netherlands in the second World War”.
These complete series encompassed fourteen volumes in 29 books in the Dutch language and are all available on line at the website of “The National Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide studies- NIOD” in Amsterdam. De Jong was the founder and manager of this institute from October 1945 till his retirement in May 1979.

In Holland prof. dr. L. De Jong (1914- 2005) was well known by his presentation on the National Dutch television of a series concerning the occupation of the Netherlands.

ldejong  ldejong cover

The first of volume11a describes Indian society and government. The second part concerns the buildup of Indian defenses till the Japanese invasion. Volume 11b focusses on the Japanese war in Asia, while the second part highlights the sufferings of prisoners of war and Dutch internees, and the developing situation of the Indonesian independence. The last volume 11c concerns the armed forces, merchant navy, intelligence, the return of the Dutch including the revolutionary situation.

The digitale version (in Dutch) can be viewed and downloaded here:
De Jong deel 11a, first part (1984, 572 pages) - [Open online viewer] [PDF - 10mb]
De Jong deel 11a, second part (1984, 645 pages) - [Open online viewer] [PDF - 11mb]
De Jong deel 11b, first part (1985, 516 pages) - [Open online viewer] [PDF - 11mb]
De Jong deel 11b, second part (1985, 614 pages) - [Open online viewer] [PDF - 14mb]
De Jong deel 11c (1986, 758 pages) - [Open online viewer] [PDF - 18mb]

Additionally it is worth mentioning that volume 13 “Annexes/ register (1988) provides an overview of all amendments. The period of August 145 1945 till the date of devolution of sovereingty on December 27 1949 is included in volume 12, second part “Epilogue” (1988). Comments were collected and edited in volume 14 “Comments” (1991).

Read more (in Dutch):



The Corts Foundation

was a Dutch non profit organization that used the legacy of Kees Corts to perform history and archive projects concerning the former Dutch Indies, especially the period of the Dutch East India company, and end of the colonial period during World War II.





Jakarta, Indonesia
Bangkok, Thailand


also the foundation::
Christiaan G. van Anrooij Fonds









Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia





National Institute for Military History 






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