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De Haan publications
National archivist F. de Haan has published impressive works at the beginning of the 20th century and formed the archive map collection.
The Corts Foundation rescanned four volumes 'Priangan' and three volumes 'Oud Batavia' and made them fully searchable and also online published the map collection at ANRI in Jakarta.
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- article Priangan
- article Oud Batavia
- article Map collection
And also ...
- article Corpus Diplomaticum
The Corts Foundation has contributed to the publication costs of a limited number of relevant books related to the fields of study in the Mission and Vision paragraph.
Senshi Sōsho final volume
Willem Remmelink
Senshi Sōsho: The Invasion of the South: Army Air Force Operations and the Invasion of Northern and Central Sumatra
The Corts Foundation/Leiden University Press, 2021
ISBN 9789087283667
Original title: 南方進攻陸軍航空作戦 [Nampō Shinkō Rikugun Kōkū Sakusen],
published by door Asagumo Shimbunsha [Asagumo Newspaper Inc.], Tokyo 1970
National Defense College of Japan [National Institute for Defense Studies] 1970
This book in English is a translation by Willem Remmelink of parts of the Senshi Sōsho series. Between 1966 and 1980, the War History Office of the National Defence College of Japan (now the Centre for Military History of the National Institute for Defence Studies) published the 102-volume Senshi Sōsho (War History Series). These volumes give a detailed account of the operations of the Imperial Japanese Army and the Imperial Japanese Navy during the Second World War. The current published volume concerns the operations of the Japanese Air Force and army during the ivasion. This present book is the third and final complete translation of parts of the Senshi Sōsho series.
Kerels of lafaards
Herman Keppy
Zijn jullie kerels of lafaards?
De indische en indonesische strijd tegen de nazi's 1940-'45
Uitgeverij West, 2019
272 pp. ISBN 978-90-820635-4-7
This book provide an overview for the first time of the role of people originating from the Dutch East Indies (present day Indonesia) in the resistence against the german occupation of the Netherlands in the second World War. The author himself, being the son of a military officer from the Molukken, spend years researching the nature of their contributions and recording the stories of the brave individuals that joined the resistence against the Nazis.
Diplomatic letters Siam
Hendrik E. Niemeijer, Dhiravat na Pombejra, Bhawan Ruangsilp
Full title: The Diplomatic Correspondence between the Kingdom of Siam and The Castle of Batavia during the 17th and 18th centuries
The Corts Foundation / Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia 2018
The correspondence between rulers of Siam and the Castle of Batavia in the 17th and 18th century show their diplomatic relations in history. Unique examples of handwritten letters, selected and digitized from the Dutch records of the National Archives of Indonesia, are transcribed and translated in this publication. Each letter is introduced and placed in her historical region and context.
Also available in Indonesian version >>
and also in Thai version >>
Senshi Sōsho volume 26
Willem Remmelink
Senshi Sōsho volume 26: The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal
The Corts Foundation/Leiden University Press, 2018
ISBN 978 908728 2806 e-ISBN 978 94 0060 293 (e-pdf) NUR 686.
Original title: 蘭印・ベンガル湾方面海軍進攻作戦 [Ran-In Bengaru-wan Hōmen Kaigun Shinkō Sakusen],
Published by Asagumo Shimbunsha, [Asagumo Newspaper Inc.], Tokyo 1969
National Defense College of Japan [National Institute for Defense Studies]
This book in English is a translation by Willem Remmelink of the original Japanese volume 26 of the Senshi Sōsho series. Between 1966 and 1980, the War History Office of the National Defence College of Japan (now the Centre for Military History of the National Institute for Defence Studies) published the 102-volume Senshi Sōsho (War History Series). These volumes give a detailed account of the operations of the Imperial Japanese Army and the Imperial Japanese Navy during the Second World War. Volume 26 of the series concerns the operations of the Japanese Navy during the attack on the Dutch-Indies at the beginning of the second World War. The book provides new insight into these operations, especially the operations in the Java Sea on the 27th and 28th February 1942. This present book is the second complete translation of a volume of the Senshi Sōsho series.
Diplomatic letters Batavia
Hendrik E. Niemeijer
Full title: The Diplomatic Correspondence between Asian Rulers and Batavia Castle during the 17 th and 18 th centuries: The Digital Reconstruction of a Lost Treasure
The Corts Foundation / Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia 2015
The correspondence between rulers of South East Asia and the Castle of Batavia in the 17th and 18th century show how diplomatic relations were important in history. Unique examples of handwritten letters, selected and digitized from the Dutch records of the National Archives of Indonesia, are transcribed and translated in this publication. Each letter is introduced by an international historian and placed in her historical region and context.
With contributions by: Hendrik E. Niemeijer, Merle Ricklefs, Maarten Manse, Ruurdje Laarhoven, Leonard Andaya, Bhawan Ruangsilp, Dhiravat na Pombeijra, Simon Kemper, Rosemary Robson.
Senshi Sōsho volume 3
Willem Remmelink
Senshi Sōsho volume 3: The Invasion of the Dutch East Indies
The Corts Foundation/Leiden University Press, 2015
ISBN 978 90 8728 237 0 e-ISBN 978 94 0060 229 8 (e-pdf) NUR 686.
Original title: 蘭印攻略作戦 [Ran-In Koryaku Sakusen],
published by Asagumo Shimbunsha, [Asagumo Newspaper Inc.], Tokyo 1967
National Defense College of Japan [National Institute for Defense Studies]
This book in English is a translation by Willem Remmelink of the original Japanese volume 3 of the Senshi Sōsho series. Between 1966 and 1980, the War History Office of the National Defence College of Japan (now the Centre for Military History of the National Institute for Defence Studies) published the 102-volume Senshi Sōsho (War History Series). These volumes give a detailed account of the operations of the Imperial Japanese Army and the Imperial Japanese Navy during the Second World War. Volume 3 of the series, The Invasion of the Dutch East Indies, describes in depth the campaign to gain control over the Indonesian archipelago – at that time the largest transoceanic landing operation in the military history of the world. The present book is the first complete and unabridged translation of a volume from the comprehensive Senshi Sōsho series.
Tjitske's dagboek
Tjitske Eisenga-de Groot
Tjitske's dagboek (Tjitske's deiboek)
20 Leafdesdichten BV, 2014
176 pp. ISBN 978.90.5615.323.6
This book in Dutch is about a woman who carries on writing her husband's diary, after he has been captured and killed by the Germans in WWII.
Jan Eisenga has been taken as repercussion of the strike in May 1943 and missing ever since.
With a preface by Truus de Witte, who did research about missing persons in de war and who write a dissertation about the strikes of April and May 1943.
Verdwenen in het niets
Joan van Esveld
Verdwenen in het niets
Bornmeer uitgeverij, 2014
60 pp. ISBN 9a78.90.5615.334.2
Louise is in primary school and needs to write an essay about experiences of people during World War II. What does she know and who can she ask? Unexpectedly she gets help from her classmate Ben. Together they research a very special story. This story is based upon the tragic history of Frits Loep who became a victim of the oppressor during the April/May strike of 1943.
Illustrations were especially made for the book by Tom van Dun.
Een vrije geest tot zwijgen gebracht
Roel T. Van Der Heide
Een vrije geest tot zwijgen gebracht
Bornmeer, 2013
216 pp. ISBN 978.90.5615.296.3
This is a biography of Jan Eisenga, who was executed by the Germans on May 5th 1943, as result of the strikes at the time. He was a radical socialist, a pacifist, an Frysian witer and poet. He resisted the occupation of his country openly and had to pay with his life.
VOC Nautical maps by cartographers of Zeeland
Ruud Paesie
Zeeuwse kaarten voor de VOC; Het kaartenmakersbedrijf van de kamer Zeeland in de 17de en 18de eeuw
Walburg Pers Zutphen, 2010
104 pp. ISBN 978.90.5730.678.5
In the 17th and 18th century the mapmakers of the Dutch East India Company were responsible for making nautical maps and providing them to their sailors. Much has been written about the famous Amsterdam mapmakers Blaeu and de Graaff, which gives the impression that these maps were exclusively manufactured in the Dutch capital. But this is not correct by far, as, for example; the so-called chamber of Zeeland also had its own mapmakers. Over an extended period of time maritime historian Ruud Paesie conducted detailed research into these mapmakers and published his results in this book.
Tropical Modernity
Jan van Dullemen
Tropical Modernity. Life and Work of C.P. Wolff Schoemaker
Amsterdam, Sun, 2010
272 pp. ISBN 978-908-5068-79-2
The book gives an interesting overview and insight into the life and work of the Dutch architect Wolff Schoemaker (1882-1949), the Frank Lloyd Wright of Indonesia. The book offers a great introduction to projects such as Villa Isola [Bandung, 1933], Koloniale Bank [Surabaya, 1940] and Nederlandse Handelsmaatschappij [Batavia/Jakarta, 1922].
It provides a comprehensive introduction to a debate that has often been overlooked in the official architectural agenda and theories about modernism at the beginning of the 20th century.
The Loss of Java
Peter C. Boer
The Loss of Java, 18 February – 7 March 1942
Singapore, NUS Press, 2010
604 pp. ISBN 978-9971-69-513-2
The Loss of Java presents a detailed account of the air, sea and land battles between the Allied and Japanese armed forces during the battle for Java that followed the evacuation of southern Sumatra in February 1942. Little has been written about the allied air campaign, or about why Dutch forces fought just one major land battle with the Japanese, the Battle of the Tjiater Pass, in the later stages of the struggle. The Loss of Java shows that the strategy adopted by the Dutch grew out of a carefully-devised plan of defence, and that the battle of Java comprised not one (the Battle of the Java Sea) but four major engagements with the Japanese.
A review of the work can be found at
De jachtvliegtuigen, Army Cooperation- en lesvliegtuigen van de Militaire Luchtvaart KNIL 1945-1950
Peter C. Boer
De jachtvliegtuigen, Army Cooperation- en lesvliegtuigen van de Militaire Luchtvaart KNIL 1945-1950
De Bataafsche Leeuw, 2009
380 pages ISBN 978-90-6707-649-4
This book in the Dutch language encompasses three chapters with an introduction of the return of the Military Airforce of the Royal Netherlands Indian Army (ML/KNIL) from Australia to the former Netherlands Indies in 1945 and 1946, including the reorganization and build-up to a complete Royal Arms of the Airforce.
Part 1 describes fighters and fighter squadrons and deploying Noorduyn AT 16 Harvard-trainers. Part 2 describes deploying Piper L-4J Cub and Taylorcraft L-2M Army C-operation planes and the 17th. VARWA Squadron. Part 3 focuses on the Common Wealth CA-6 Wackett and describes the setup of the courses of the Elementary Training school (“EOS”) of the Central Flight school (CVS) of the ML/KNIL.
The Great Organ of the Westerkerk
Gert Eijkelboom, Gerrit Vermeer, Erik Winkel
Het grote orgel van de Westerkerk in Enkhuizen
Stichting De Westerkerk, Enkhuizen, 2011
pp 108 ISBN/EAN 978-90-9026036-5
In 2011 a multi-year restoration project on the great organ of the Western Church of Enkhuizen was finished. This project was monitored by architecture historians, whose research of the origin and construction of this 16th century early renaissance organ (of 1549) was vital for the restoration. This book gives a detailed account of the history of the organ and its restoration.
The archives of the VOC
G.L. Balk, F.van Dijk, D.J. Kortlang, Dr. P. Koenders, Prof. dr. F.S. Gaastra, Dr. Hendrik E. Niemeijer
The archives of the Dutch East India Company VOC and the local institutions in Batavia Jakarta
Brill, Leiden, 2007
572 pp. ISBN 978-900-4163-65-2
The VOC (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie, the Dutch East India Company) was the largest of the early- modern European trading companies operating in Asia. The VOC records constitute the most complete and extensive source on early-modern world history anywhere and are included in UNESCO´s Memory of the World Register. The long-term co-operation between the National Archives of Indonesia and the Netherlands since 2001 has resulted in this extensive catalogue of the fifteen archival collections of VOC institutions which are kept in Jakarta. The catalogue includes introductions on the VOC in general, the local institutions in Batavia and the custodial history of the records in English, Indonesian and Dutch.
Memories of a Journey to the East Indies
Chris F. van Fraassen, Pieter Jan Klapwijk (ed.)
Herinnering aan een reis naar Oost-Indië: reisverslag en aquarellen van Maurits Ver Huell, 1815-1819
Walburg Pers, 2008
736 pp. with cd- rom, ISBN 978-905-7305-68-9
Maurits Ver Huell (1787-1860) left for the East Indies in 1815, where he commanded the frigate Admiral Evertsen. He traveled extensively on Java, and joined missions to Makassar, Banda and to the sultans of Ternate and Tidore. Returning home in 1819 Ver Huell had to abandon his poorly maintained ship in the Indian Ocean, where it subsequently perished with all of his collected naturalia and a collection of drawings. But in 1835/1836 he published the memoirs of his journeys, and made over a hundred watercolors paintings about the Indies. In this new publication the editors describe the life and times of Ver Huell himself, the social changes in the period of 1780 - 1830, and the collection of watercolors paintings (now in the Maritime Museum Rotterdam) is reprinted.
Historical Guide of Amsterdam
Gerrit Vermeer, Ben Rebel, Vladimir Stissi
Historische gids van Amsterdam. Stadsuitbreidingen 1860-1935
Bas Lubberhuizen, Amsterdam
704 pp. ISBN 9789059372290
Architectural historians Gerrit Vermeer and Ben Rebel have published several editions of the Historical guide of Amsterdam since 1992. These guides so far described the medieval city and extensions of the seventeenth century. From 2007 onwards the authors worked on the present guide, together with Vladimir Stissi, describing the city extensions from the period of 1860 to 1935. This covers the residential areas called South ('de Pijp', 'Vondelpark' and 'Plan Zuid'), West ('Oud-West', 'De Baarsjes', 'Westerpark'), East and North.
Evening shot
Joop J. de Jong
Evening shot, How the Netherlands withdrew from her Asian Imperium
(Dutch title: Avondschot, Hoe Nederland zich terugtrok uit zijn Aziatisch imperium)
Boom, 2011
786 pp. ISBN 978-94-6105-270-4
In 1949, after four years of conflict, the Netherlands granted Indonesia independence. The loss of the Netherlands Indies was perceived by the Dutch as a national trauma and was felt as a dictate ‘by the whole world’ to surrender sovereignty. The author describes in detail the extremely complex period in which competing parties (Indonesian Republicans, Dutch, and Americans) acted. He surprises the reader with remarkable conclusions on the basis of abundant new archive material. One of his findings is the proposition that the Netherlands was able to deliver itself from this ‘Indonesian swamp’ against the initial conceptions of the international community. De Jong’s views on the Dutch military are quite surprising. Although they failed in the short run, their actions proved to be instrumental to the successes in the final consultations.
Hendrik E. Niemeijer
Batavia, Een koloniale samenleving in de 17de eeuw
Balans, 2005
440 pp. ISBN 978-905-0187-23-7
This book gives an overview of the colonial society of Batavia in the seventeenth century. Hendrik Niemeijer spent several years in the National Archives of Indonesia (ANRI) doing research into the archives of the Dutch East India Company. The complex social structure of a multi-cultural society with different ethnics groups, cultures and religions has been captured well in this book. The author provides historical details on the formal institutions at Batavia and their workings, as well as a lively description of everyday life in Batavia.
Arsip Pengurus Gereja Protestan
Hendrik E. Niemeijer
Arsip Pengurus Gereja Protestan di HindiaBelanda / Indonesia (GPI) 1844-1950
Jakarta, Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, 2010
232 pp. ISBN 978-979-3914-69-5
The Protestant Church in the Dutch Indies (Indonesia) is the oldest church of its kind in Asia, going back for more than four hundred years. For a long time the Indonesian Christians considered it a bulwark of white paternalism. The Christians of Maluku, Minahassa and Timor aspired to obtain ecclesiastical independence. The central church authority in Batavia agreed in 1934 and 1935 with synod elections in Ambon and Tomohon. In 1947 and 1948 also the churches of Timor and Western Indonesia became independent. The Japanese occupation and the time of the Indonesian revolution meant a turning point in the history of Christianity in Indonesia.
This book is based on research into the archive of the church council, now present at the National Archives of Indonesia (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) in Jakarta. The book also distinguishes a selection of documents regarding the Protestant Church during the time of the Japanese occupation (1942-1945). These documents have been published digitally on